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Motherboard. The motherboard also known as the mainboard, systemboard or logic board (on Apple Computer) and is sometimes abbreviatedthe mobo is the center of the main circuit board in a systemelectronics, such as modern computer devices. This component willput (plugged in) the other components such as main memory,processor, video adapter, sound adapter, etc., to formcomplete computer system and can work.
Expansion Cards. Expansion card (expansion card) is a printedcircuit board (PCB) which can be plugged into the expansion slotavailable on the motherboard of the computer to add functionalitycomputer. Examples of expansion card such as a video adapter card, the cardaudio adapter, network adapter cards and others.
Power Supply. Power supply or sometimes called the PSU (PowerSupply Unit) is a device that supplies electrical energy or energyother types on the other components in the computer.
Optical Disc Drive. Optical Disc is a storage mediumsecondary shaped like LPs, but the sizesmaller. Data stored in the Optical Disc accessible whenspecific material on the Optical Disc irradiated by a laser beam. There are twoThe main types in the Optical Disc is based on a CD (CompactDisc) and are based on the DVD (Digital Versatile Disc). The deviceto read, write, or delete the so-called Optical Disc Drive.
Keyboard. Keyboard or keyboard, the device used tomenginputkan text and characters on the computer. This device can also beused to control specific functions on the computer.Figure 3.19 shows a keyboard which lay out our generalencountered.
Mouse. Mouse, usually consists of pointing device, which is usedto detect the relative motion of two surfaces in twodimensions are then displayed on the display. In addition,the mouse is often added to other functions, such as "wheels" orwheel. In addition to detecting the movement, also plays a role in mouseexecute a command by pressing the mouse button once
UNDERSTANDING THE OPERATING SYSTEMAs already mentioned in previous chapters, including the operating systemin the system software is software that plays a role inrun the computer hardware and computer systemoverall.Operating system software is in charge of managingresource use in a computer and provides the interface forusers to access those resources.FUNCTIONThe functions of an operating system in general can be seen inFigure 4.2.User interface xThis function is a function of the most easily recognizable by the userbecause through this function the user can interact with the operating system,hardware or other software. Operating system onBasically waiting for input or instructions from the user and thentranslates these commands in a language understood bycomputer. User interface to be a place for users towrite or deliver the order.
Broadly speaking there are two models of the user interface CommandLine Interface (CLI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI). CLI providesfacilities for users to give commands in text formwhile the GUI is more based on the graphical display. Today nearly allModern operating systems provide a model of the GUI as the user interface.Some provide a GUI that is integrated with the operating system kernel,for example, on Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS versions earlier. Whileothers provide a GUI that is modular, that is not integrateddirectly to the operating system kernel, such as Unix, Linux and Mac OSversion X and above.(Click) or two times in a row (double cli
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